Kids Ear Lobes
We pierce babies as young as 3 months old however tiny ear lobes can shift when growing making earrings uneven as they grow. Meghan prefers 6 months and up if you can wait a little bit longer.
We only pierce with Implant Grade Titanium *100% nickel mystery metal free cost starts at $80 for balls and gems start at $110 a pair.
Freezing/Numbing Cream
For younger children, we recommend that you use a numbing product like Ebanel You must ensure that you apply this correctly and using their suggestion of Saran Wrap with it so that you seal off the area in order for the cream to work properly. You will apply this one hour before the appointment and we will remove the bandage in the piercing room.
Ready or Not?
Sometimes as much as children want their ears done they are just not ready for the piercing. Meghan has several indicators to determine if your child is ready or not and sometimes she makes the call that its not going to happen today. Examples: Clapping their hands over their ears, not letting her near them, grabbing her etc.
If Meghan feels the child is not ready we will stop the procedure and try again when ready.
Swimming and Wet Hair
Not soaking a newly pierced area in bathtubs, jacuzzis, swimming pools, lakes, rivers, and oceans during the healing period is crucial but we understand that people will eventually swim before the healing period is over or even early on during this time. Please try to refrain from soaks for a minimum of TWO WEEKS and flush with saline upon getting out of water.
Going to bed with WET hair resting on the piercings can cause moisture bumps and prolong the healing process. We recommend wet hair is put up for sleeping or completely dry before.
Piercing Fee/Not Finishing
We understand children are just not ready sometimes in the event Meghan has already opened all her sterile packets there is a $40 restocking/Sterilization fee if piercings are not done.
In the event we only get ONE ear pierced you are charged full price for the procedure and given the other earring when your child is ready they are welcome to come back free of charge for their other ear piercing.
However if your child does not complete the second piercing at that time you will have to book another appointment and pay the $40 piercing fee again.
We value YOUR time and ask for your understanding our time is valuble too.
We recommend spraying with Sterile Wound Wash while your childs ears are healing, DO NOT twist, turn or aggressively move your piercings during healing (It is a myth they will heal into their ears) gently turning or moving in the shower to remove crusting and debris is okay. Please discourage touching or playing with during healing.